Join me as I talk to Joy and hear her thoughts
Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Joy Langley, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT) and Coach. I originally connected with Joy through LinkedIn and discovered what an interesting and positive person she is. Joy’s early career was in the fashion and music industry before she did a 360 degree turnaround in her life and her career. Joy currently runs her private practice in High Wycombe using CBT and Life Coaching techniques. One of Joy’s personal messages is that looking after your emotional health is the ultimate in “self care” and “self love”. I couldn’t agree with Joy more.
Joy is the Thought Catcher
Joy specialises in helping people to catch their thoughts and take control of their emotional well being. She has a wide ranging skill set and more recently has developed her niche of emotional skills training 4 men. Joy’s Online Programme will be launched in the coming months and is a coaching programme for professional men who hit ‘The Wall’ and need to learn how to handle negative emotions. If you’ve watched the film Run Fat Boy Run I’m sure you can conjure up a mental image of Simon Pegg running right into The Wall and imagine the strength required to get through it. Joy’s programme will guide men step by step through, around or over the wall by offering bite sized, informative strategies.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this interview
- Joy’s personal definition of success
- Hear Joy’s biggest challenge in her business and how she’s overcoming it
- Discover Joy’s thoughts on the similarities and differences between coaching and counselling
- Listen to our discussion on the generalist v specialist debate
- Find out what Joy thought was lacking in her training
- Get the inside scoop on her upcoming online programme for men
- And there’s more but I’m not giving it all away
Tune in to my interview with Joy the 'Thought Catcher'
Thank you for joining me as I talked to Joy about her secrets to success and her amazing journey from a career in fashion and music to therapist, coach and business woman and how she’s taking her business online to help many more people.
Find out more
To find out more about Joy and to get on board with her online programme email Joy at joy@catchathought.co.uk or visit her website
I’d Love to hear your comments
If you have any thoughts or questions about our discussion, please leave a comment. I’m always happy to hear from you.
Let’s Make a Difference!